Kindergarten students are creating texture apples to decorate the art room. As a class, we discussed the word texture and touched a variety of different materials to deepen our understanding of the word. We gathered a sampling of different red papers, fabrics, and odd recycled goods to fill out collage apples with.
After our texture discussion, students went back to their groups and used an apple template to trace an apple shape on their paper. Teamwork was emphasized so that one peer held the template down while the other student was tracing. Once all students traced an apple on their paper, I demonstrated how to operate a glue stick. Too much turning of the dial leads to a stick mess, fast. We learned that you only need a small amount of glue and to only turn the dial when necessary.
Love these textures: rough, smooth, rubbery |
Glue sticks in action! |
Day two was all about embellishing these
texture collage apples. Students began by adding more
texture to their apples and review gluing techniques. Next, students used crayons to color in the empty white spaces inside their apples to add another layer of color to the stems and leaves. Students used markers to trace and outline their apples using red for the fruit, brown for the stem, and green for the leaves. The final step was practicing cutting skills by reviewing how to properly hold and operate scissors. These kindergarten students did a WONDERFUL job!!!
Just look at how beautiful this texture tree came out!!
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